Rev Dean Bowers
Senior Pastor
Pastor Dean was appointed to Edgemont UMC in July 2023. Edgemont is Dean's 10th appointment. He has a gift for preaching and brings a dynamic energy to our Sunday Gatherings each week.
When he is not preaching, you will rarely see Pastor Dean without his trusty sidekick, a yorkie named Chevy.
Click below to find out more about what drives Dean to continue pastoring churches and creating relationships with others to make disciples for the transformation of the world.
We don’t know everything or have all the answers. We are not perfect, but a group of people who get together to know God better.
Please get to know us, no pressure!
The best way is to get involved in our worship, educational, missional, and fellowship opportunities. That’s how we all got here.
We are a diverse group who’ve come to share a love for Jesus and each other. The Lord has done amazing things through us and in us at Edgemont UMC, and that’s why we stayed!

Sunday Gatherings
We gather together in a relaxed, come-as-you-are atmosphere each Sunday at 10:30 in our sanctuary. We currently record and post these services here, and because of generous giving we have been able to upgrade our sanctuary technology which will allow livestreaming soon!
During worship, you’ll learn about the many opportunities to participate regularly in service and growth on our campus. Be sure to arrive early and hang out in our gathering space outside the sanctuary for coffee & donuts; we would love the opportunity to say hello and connect you to these opportunities.

Gathering together regularly to share in worship and word creates opportunities for growth in our relationships with each other and with Jesus. Gathering with multiple generations including the whole family shows children the priority of worship in our lives.
We want our kids to learn, from an early age, what it looks like to love Jesus and worship him with the whole church. We want them to be able to watch you as you sing, pray, read the word, and listen to the sermon so that they might learn to love Jesus and worship him too!
Parents, along with the entire church community are able to model true worship for our kids so that we might say to them what Paul said to the church at Corinth, "Imitate me as I imitate Christ."
What is a Family-Friendly Service?
We understand that kids might squirm, talk, laugh, cry, or even scream during the service, but that's fine! They are kids!
We don't expect them to sit perfectly still and quiet, but want them to experience God, his word, and his people and grow to become worshipers themselves!
PARENTS: Before you come to worship together, consider preparing yourself and your kids for our time with one another, especially if your children have never attended a worship service. Explain to your children that we will sing, pray, read, and listen together, as well as sit and stand up at different times during the service.
When your kids begin to fidget, don't simply tell them to stop, but feel free to lean over and engage them in the service, asking them a question about what is happening, explaining what we just sang or heard, opening a Bible for them to read along, or giving them a bulletin or piece of paper to color or count how many times the preacher says Jesus.
At some point you may need to step out to handle an issue, but please feel free to come right back in. We are family and want your kids to be with us too! Any of our ushers will be happy to assist you as well.

TRUTH SEEKERS - SUNDAYS @ 9:30 in the Library
FRIENDSHIP CLASS - SUNDAYS @ 9:30 upstairs in the
education building
We often hear that being a part of Edgemont UMC feels like family, and we strive to make you feel like part of the family each time you walk in the door.
You are loved and you are welcome here!